How often do you face a situation, when you urgently need a cream, but all stores around are out of cream or even closed? Okay, not very often, I know. But if that happens to you someday, you will find this recipe on how to make cream at home very useful. Of course, there might be another reason for making cream at home. For example, cream from the nearest store is usually about 2 times more expensive than cream that you can make by yourself.
Professional tip: In general, the easiest way to make cream is using a cream separator. This device will suit you perfectly if you:
1. Have your own milk or you can buy in on the local farm;
2. You are going to make cream regularly and in big quantities.

If you don’t need a cream separator, a method that I am talking about will be very useful for you.
All you need is to have some butter and some milk. You can buy milk of any fat content, but the should be as fat in butter as possible (not less than 72%) and of a very good quality. Don’t try to find the cheapest option, if you want to get tasty cream at the end. If the fat content of cream you need is 33-35% take butter and milk in equal proportions. So, let’s see what steps you should make to prepare cream at home.
To make a cream that will be good even for whipping, we need just two ingredients – butter and milk. I have 200 ml of milk of 2% fat, and 200g of butter – 72%.
1. In a small saucepan pour 200 ml of milk and put the same 200 g of butter. In general, the butter can be soft (if you get it out from the refrigerator in advance) or you can cut it into pieces – so the process will go faster. However, it is not necessary to be bothered with this and it is possible to use butter directly from the freezer.
2. In a small saucepan pour 200 ml of milk and put the same 200 g of butter. In general, the butter can be soft (if you get it out from the refrigerator in advance) or you can cut it into pieces – so the process will go faster. However, it is not necessary to be bothered with this and it is possible to use butter directly from the freezer.
3. Put the saucepan on medium fire and start to stir the butter, dissolve it completely. Don’t boil the milk and butter – just warm it up to make the butter melt and float on the surface.
4. Now let’s mix the butter and milk to get cream. It is more convenient and quicker to do this in a blender, but it is also possible to do with a manual or stationary mixer. We pour milk and butter (still hot) into the bowl and turn on the mixer or blender
5. Mix or blend the mixture 5-10 minutes (depending on the power of the device). As a result, you will see that the mixture is completely homogeneous and there is rather dense foam on the surface.
6. We pour the ready-made fatty cream into a suitable container for storage and let the mass cool completely. After that, put the cream in the fridge for 6-12 hours. It is possible that after the refrigerator on the surface of the cream you will see dense clots, but do not worry – this is normal. All you need is to delete them from there.
As you can see, it is not that difficult to make cream at home, but it can help you save some money and spend it on something else. We will be happy, if you send us photos of your dishes that were made with cream made basing on this recipe.
Have a great day! See you soon!